IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation

Connecting industrial devices, systems, and applications to provide plant and enterprise personnel with actionable information is not a new concept. Leading automation and software suppliers have been working diligently to address this requirement for decades. These efforts have not always been entirely successful, due in large part to poor interoperability between operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT). This has hampered business performance.

Improve requirements management

Using office tools for requirements management is like using scissors to cut your lawn. Use the right tool with Rational DOORS Next Generation.
High quality business requirements and good management practices in the development process (agile, iterative, or waterfall) lead to the best outcomes. Engaging stakeholders - early and often - in defining and validating requirements improves the likelihood that projects will deliver what customers need.

Features & Capabilities

  • Capture requirements
  • Traceability
  • Custom dashboard
  • Extend the functionality
  • Visually define
  • Reports
  • Audit history
  • Common administration

Training resources

IBM has several different resources available for you to get the most out of Rational DOORS Next Generation. These include courses from IBM, as well as from our Global Training Providers. Leverage our instructor-led and self-directed learning resources to boost your productivity and expand your skills.

An ecosystem of business partners

Rational DOORS Next Generation has a collection of business partners who have helped expand the capabilities of the product. They provide integrations with other commonly used tools, complementary solutions, and industry-specific extensions to help handle your specific needs.

  • Business partner integrations with Rational DOORS Next Generation
  • DOORS Next Generation Tool Qualification Kit (TQK) from CertTech
  • BigLever Software Gears Bridge™
  • pure-systems pure::variants

The big picture

Rational DOORS Next Generation is part of the following solutions for systems engineering, embedded software development, and application software development.

  • IBM IoT continuous engineering solution
  • Collaborative Lifecycle Management

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